Album Releases
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Spem in Alium: A Choral Adoration
Recorded in 2024, this album includes music perfect for Solemn Eucharistic Adoration including the beloved hymns O salutaris, Tantum Ergo, and Holy God; meditative choral and organ music including Gregorio Allegri's famous Miserere (featuring Alyce Reynaud, Soprano soloist), Jessica French's recently composed Tantum Ergo, and a new arrangement of Ralph Vaughan Williams' Master Tallis's Testament played on both of the Hazel Wright Organ's five-manual consoles played simultaneously. At the heart of the album is Thomas Tallis’s monumental Spem in Alium Hope in God Alone recorded in anticipation of the 2025 Jubilee Year of Hope!
Recorded LIVE in the Cathedral Sanctuary and in the Cultural Center’s Strader Atrium.
REGER: Music of Max Reger
Christ Cathedral Organists recorded in recital on the famed Hazel Wright Organ in celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the birth of composer Max Reger. Enjoy Max Reger's loud organ music - one of the only composers whose works are as epic as the Hazel Wright Organ, and truly use the full sonic resources of all of Hazel's 17,000 pipes!
Hazel is Back! - Dr. Emma Whitten
Emma Whitten performs on the re-envisioned and restored Hazel Wright Organ in Christ Cathedral's fresh acoustical space. With more than 17,000 pipes, 300 stops and 300 ranks. "Hazel," as the instrument is affectionately called, plays from all four corners of the cathedral building giving listener's a "surround sound" experience. Hazel is arguably the most widely heard pipe organ in the world, being featured as part of Robert Schuller's Hour of Power television broadcasts featuring the distinguished Frederick Swann.
The Hazel Wright Organ - David Ball
Few pipe organs in history have received as much attention as the iconic "Hazel," the organ of Christ Cathedral (Garden Grove, CA), formerly the Crystal Cathedral. David Ball's performance takes full advantage of this "King of Instruments'" potential. With more than 17,000 pipes, 300 stops and 300 ranks, Hazel plays from all four corners of the Christ Cathedral building give listener's a "surround sound" experience.
Christ Cathedral Dedication: A Place for Christ Forever
July 17, 2019 marked the day Christ Cathedral (formerly the Crystal Cathedral) was dedicated to be the liturgical and artistic center for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange. The music for that service is presented here, which includes many original works commissioned for the occasion.