40+ Organists | 200+ Pieces | 17,000 Pipes

As the GRAND FINALE to Christ Cathedral’s Bach-a-thon MICHAEL HEY is presents a thrilling all-Bach recital program to close out BACHATHON 2025! An International Concert Organist and currently the Director of Music & Organist at Marble Collegiate Church, NYC Michael Hey previously served as Organist at St. Patrick's Cathedral.

10:30 PM The Los Angeles and San Diego Chapters of the American Guild of Organists
Members of the Los Angeles and San Diego Chapters of the American Guild of Organists play as part of Bach-a-thon 2025.

9:15 PM A Flight of Fugues | Christoph Bull in Concert
International Concert Artist, Professor of Organ at UCLA, Organist at First Congregational Church of Los Angeles, CHRISTOPH BULL presents “A FLIGHT OF FUGUES” - a collection of some of Bach’s most tuneful fugues for organ as part of BACHATHON 2025!

THE BEST OF BACH | David Ball & The Christ Cathedral Choirs
Christ Cathedral Organist David Ball is joined by the Diocesan Children’s Choir; the Diocesan Adult Choir; Emma Whitten, Associate Organist; Patrick Flahive, Bass; and Alyce Reynaud, Soprano in presenting THE BEST OF BACH - an introduction to the music of the greatest composer from Jesu Joy of Our Desiring to movements from the monumental B Minor Mass.

5:45 PM Cathedral Organ Scholars and Alumni in Concert
Christ Cathedral’s current organ scholars and alumni from the scholar program present solo works of Bach as part of BACHATHON 2025!

4:30 PM Alison Luedecke in Concert
Christ Cathedral presents concert organist Alison Luedecke, Founder/Keyboardist of San Diego Baroque and Organist/Choir Director at the Church of the Nativity, Rancho Santa Fe, California, playing favorite works of Bach including TOCCATA AND FUGUE IN D MINOR, BWV 565 as part of BACHATHON 2025!

2:45 PM The Complete Clavierübung III | Dr. Emma Whitten, Organ
Dr. Emma Whitten - Christ Cathedral Associate Organist and Director of Music, Community Church Congregational in Corona del Mar - presents the entirety of one of Bach’s greatest collections of organ music: The Clavierübung III.

1:45 PM Preludes & Fugues; "Little" and Big! | Peter Bates, Adan Fernandez, and students
Peter Bates, Adan Fernandez and students play some of Bach’s LARGEST and SMALLEST Preludes and Fugues for organ as part of BACHATHON 2025!

12:30 PM Bruce Neswick in Concert
Legendary Cathedral Organist, Choirmaster, and Concert Artist, Bruce Neswick (currently Artist-in-Residence at St. James by-the-Sea Episcopal Church | La Jolla, California) presents solo organ works by JSB as part of Bach-a-thon 2025.

11:15 AM Crystal Cathedral Organists Return | Tom Leonard, Philip Hoch, Timothy Howard, W. Wayne Ritchie, and Ty Woodward
Crystal Cathedral Organist Tom Leonard returns alongside Philip Hoch, Hour of Power Organist and last student of Fred Swann, to present solo works of Bach as part of Bach-a-thon 2025. They are joined by former Hour of Power Sub-Organists Timothy Howard and W. Wayne Ritchie, as well as Ty Woodward, Christ Cathedral Sub-Organists.

10:00 AM The Chorale Partitas | Charles Raasch
Christ Cathedral Sub-Organist Charles Raasch presents the Chorale Partitas as part of Bach-a-thon 2025.

9:00 AM The OC and LB Chapters of the American Guild of Organists
Members of the Long Beach and Orange County Chapters of the American Guild of Organists play as part of Bach-a-thon 2025.

7:30 AM The Canonic Variations and other works | Charles Raasch & Patricia Lamb
Christ Cathedral Sub-Organists Charles Raasch and Dr. Patricia Lamb present the Canonic Variations and other works as part of Bach-a-thon 2025.

6:00 AM The Complete Leipzig Chorales | Tom Mueller
Tom Mueller, Professor of Music, Music Department Chair, & University Organist Concordia University Irvine, California, presents the Complete Leipzig Chorales aka “The Great Eighteen” as part of BACH-A-THON 2025 at Christ Cathedral.