Kent Tritle, Festival Conductor and Clinician
Daniel Ficarri, Festival Organist
PRELUDE BEGINS AT 2:15PM; Prayer Service at 2:30pm
Experience a multitude of singers from all faiths coming together to make beautiful music under the direction of Guest Conductor and Clinician Kent Tritle. This special day begins with Kent Tritle leading a choral workshop in the morning bringing choristers from all around Southern California and beyond, and culminates in a 2:30pm Prayer Service in the Cathedral accompanied by Festival Organist Daniel Ficarri playing the Hazel Wright Organ.
Choral and Organ Repertoire
Organ Voluntary: Ceremonial Dialogue - Daniel Ficarri*WEST COAST PREMIERE
In the year that King Uzziah died - David McK. Williams
Adinu (Sufi Song) - Sufi melody, arr. Shireen Abu-Khader and André de Quadros
Esto Los Digo - Kinley Lange
Hymn: Leoni “The God of Abraham Praise”
I was glad - Charles H. H. Parry
Magnificat - Daniel Ficarri*WEST COAST PREMIERE
Nunc Dimittis - Daniel Ficarri*WEST COAST PREMIERE
Hymn: Thaxted “O God beyond all praising”
Organ Voluntary: Grand Choeur Dialogue - Eugene Gigout
Choir Schedule for Participants:
8am: Arrival time/lineup/seating
8:30am - 10am: First rehearsal (for full rep participants)
10am - 10:30am: Short break/arrival time for abbreviated rep participants
10:30am - 12pm: Second rehearsal (for full & abbreviated rep participants)
12pm - 2pm: Lunch on your own
2pm: Choir Seating / Doors Open
2:15pm: Prelude begins
2:30pm: Interfaith Prayer Service begins
More about Kent and Daniel:
Kent Tritle is not only the Director of Music and Cathedral Organist from St. John the Divine in New York, the largest Cathedral worship space on this continent, but also the Organist for the New York Philharmonic. The last pipe organ that was in New York’s Philharmonic hall is actually currently installed in the Hazel Wright Organ, fulfilling Virgil Fox’s vision of combining that famous organ from New York with Ruffatti pipework to complete the mammoth Hazel Wright Organ. Learn more about Kent Tritle at
Also featured at this Festival is the brilliant organ playing of Daniel Ficarri, Associate Organist at St. John the Divine and acclaimed composer. Named by The Diapason magazine as one of America’s most influential organists under 30 years old, Daniel’s incredible music has been featured many times at Christ Cathedral - his Fanfare on Adeste Fideles was commissioned for the opening of the Festal Doors on Christmas Day during the Covid Pandemic of 2020; his Fanfare-Introduction in D was the very first music played on the newly-restored Hazel Wright Organ on February 7th, 2022; and his latest piece for solo organ Ceremonial Dialogues, was commissioned as the premiere new work for the restored Hazel Wright Organ in 2022 celebrating Hazel’s 40th Anniversary and recorded by Cathedral Organist David Ball released on the Gothic Label. Scores are available from his publisher MorningStar Music/ECS Publishing. Learn more about Daniel at