Presented by Christ Cathedral and the Southern California Chapters of the American Guild of Organists
Hosted by Michael Barone, Radio-host | Pipedreams; Roger Sherman, Audio Engineer | Gothic Records
In collaboration with the Southern California Chapters of the American Guild of Organists, Christ Cathedral presents the COMPLETE Organ Works of J. S. Bach! Experience your favorite organists from all over SoCal playing beginning at 6am and continuously playing through all of Bach’s organ works. Join us in the evening when Christ Cathedral presents an introduction to Bach’s music featuring favorites like the beloved Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring, the thrilling Singet dem Herren for double-choir, our Diocesan Children’s Choir singing Christe eleison from the b-minor Mass, a Brandenberg Concerto arranged for organ duet, and Bach’s whirlwind “Wedge” Prelude and Fugue in e minor. Enjoy commentary throughout the day by Michael Barone, host of nationally-syndicated radio show Pipedreams, alongside Roger Sherman from GOTHIC Records, host of The Organ Loft.
No tickets or reservations required. CLICK HERE TO RESERVE YOUR “BACH”-XED LUNCH: